Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CNN takes charge...

I have been extremely excited after yesterdays elections for a couple of reasons. As an ardent supporter of Barack Obama I am extremely happy that he was elected in such a sensational fashion.

Moreover, I was in awe after watching CNN's coverage of the elections and the new technology that they showcased. I don't know if you got a chance to watch the coverage but I think the way CNN used new media technology and visualizations to cover this important election was phenomenal. They used amazing touch panels, conducted virtual interviews using hologram technology and created a virtual capital hill building. It reminded me of star wars.

Also CNN's viewership yesterday hit a record 12.3 million.

I think CNN's coverage is a great example of how new media and the internet can in incorporated into the traditional new structure to produce GREAT results and ratings....The success of the coverage in my view is the start of a new era of TV news programming.

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